Condition survey



These surveys can be done either for P&I clubs, lawyer or commercial insurance companies.
Normally these surveys involve damage to vessels, its equipment or machinery, shore installations, damage to cargo, general condition of vessel’s, spills or injury to the crew.


The Fjeld Consultant AS surveyor’s role is to ascertain all damages and to comment on whether he considers it was caused in the manner as claimed, however, our surveyors are not authorised to commit the insurers or owners in any way and Fjeld Consultant AS will never express opinions to third parts.

Inspection of damage

The Fjeld Consultant AS surveyor will inspect the damage as reported, preferably in conjunction with other interested parties, so that the Fjeld Consultant AS surveyor is able to give a detailed description. Photographs and/or sketches will be used to clarify certain points and will always be included in the survey report.
The Fjeld Consultant AS surveyor will investigate the case of damage and collect as much evidence as possible. All facts will be stated in the survey report.

The report

Fjeld Consultant AS will send immediately after the initial survey a preliminary report including a summary of damage(s) found, cause of damage(s), comments and where possible an indication of the cost of repair.

Depending on the length of time repairs take, further reports will prepared to keep the client fully informed regarding the situation of the damage.
The final reports prepared by Fjeld Consultant AS are composed so that the reports are easy to read and easily understood by people of all disciplines. All technical terms will be attached to the report, defining the technical terms as used.

The survey reports issued by Fjeld Consultant AS contain only facts, -private opinions and hearsay which cannot supported by facts will be not written in our reports.

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