On –and off hire survey of ships and/or barges
An on / off hire survey note the condition of a vessel at the commencement or completion of a charter, covering an inspection of that area of the dedicated vessel in which damage is most likely to occur during loading and discharge operations.
In addition, the Fjeld Consultant AS surveyor examine the ship’s certificates ( date of issue and expiry ) and state all details of the dedicated vessel, life boats and rafts, main engine, ship’s mooring system, mooring lines and a general description of the condition of the accommodation and engine room.
The Fjeld Consultant AS surveyor will also check the quantity of bunkers on board at the time of the survey.
As well the quantity at the time the charter party commences or ends, where this is different to the on/off hire survey will be calculated.
All defects will be stated in such way that everybody can easily find the damages back so that any damage that has occurred during the period of charter can be identified and if necessary repaired.
Fjeld Consultant AS confirm the on / off hire survey’s with daylight if possible, with the hatches fully open.
All large and deeper dents ( deeper than 10mm ) will be stated separately in the survey report.
Fjeld Consultant AS has it’s own routines and pattern when doing the deck / hold inspection so that nothing is missing on the end.
Fjeld Consultant AS will also state the amount of rust in the survey report.
Our survey report is written up in the following order:
- Overside hull.
- Forecastle.
- Weather deck including deck houses and cranes.
- Cargo hold(s) including a general description of the hatch covers, seals and coaming.
- Poop deck.
- General appearances of the engine room and accommodation.
There will be made as many photographs as possible to give a general impression of the ship, especially those areas that be wished to highlight.
On completion of an on/off hire survey, Fjeld Consultant AS issues if requested a delivery certificate to proof that the on/off hire survey took place and confirms the time which the change of responsibility takes place.