Pre-purchase (P&I joining) survey
Surveys by a prospective ship’s owner or P&I club when it requires a report on the condition of a vessel prior to deciding whether or not to accept registration from an owner or a prospective owner before tendering for a second – hand vessel.
This type of survey is a very detailed survey that often has to be done while a ship is operative and under the loading / discharge operation and consequently time is limited. In additional, some compartments may be full of cargo or ballast and thus cannot be inspected. The Fjeld Consultant AS surveyors are trained to obtain as much information and inspect as much of the ship as possible.
Our survey report include all the following information and give a complete as possible description of the general condition and state of maintenance of the various areas.
A brief description of the dedicated vessel, including:
- Name and previous names of the dedicated vessel.
- Name of the ship yard and year of built.
- The general condition and state of maintenance of the vessel.
- Details of the ship’s owner ( and managing owner if applicable ).
- Name of the Captain and chief engineer.
- Any other relevant information obtained.
The attending Fjeld Consultant AS surveyor sight and note the particulars of at least the following documentation, making note of any ” subject ” notations:
- Ship’s certificate of registry.
- Ship’s certificate of class.
- Loadline certificate.
- Safety construction certificate.
- Safety equipment certificate.
- Radio telegraphy certificate.
- Oil record book.
- Oil pollution certificates.
- Survey particulars. Hull, machinery, dry docking.
- Life raft certificates.
- Minimum manning certificate.
- Test certificates for cranes, davits, shackles, wires, etc.
The Fjeld Consultant AS surveyor inspect all accessible parts of the hull of the dedicated vessel. For vessel’s
of ten years or older an ultra sound thickness test on portions of the deck to verify the plate thickness can be arranged.
- External and internal shell plating ( where visible ).
- Decks, deck houses, superstructures and bulwarks/ rails.
- Hatch coamings, hatches, seals and securing devices.
- Hold entrances, ladders, gangways and catwalks.
- Lighting.
- All pipes, both above and under deck.
- Ventilators, manholes and watertight doors.
- Tanktop.
- Bilges and bilge suctions.
- Ballast tanks.
Fjeld Consultant AS inspect the engine room and report on the general condition of the machinery.
- Main engine(s).
- Generators and switchboard.
- Other machinery.
- Dirty water separator, fuel oil purifiers and turbo blowers.
- Tank gauges.
- Bilge and ballast system ( pumps, valves and piping.
- Overboard discharging / non return valves.
- SOS closing devices for machinery and fuel tanks.
- SOS closing devices for watertight doors, lighting and ventilation fans.
- Engine room fire fighting appliances.
- Documentation of spares and tools.
- Noting the cleanliness of the machinery spaces.
- Wear- down on the piston rings and tail shaft.
The following items will be checked by the Fjeld Consultant AS surveyor:
- All bridge instruments and devices.
- Documentation, bookwork’s.
- Radio equipment.
- Accommodation including galley. Hospital and sanitary.
- Food storage areas including freezers.
- Deck storerooms.
- Fire fighting appliances, hoses and nozzles. Fire extinguishers and fire damping system.
- Cranes
- Deck machinery.
- Gangways.
- Lifeboats, davits, life rafts, life buoys and jackets.
- Wear down on the rudder gudgeons and pintals.
- Steering gear.
- Emergency fire pump.
There will be made as many photographs as possible to give a general impression of the ship, especially those areas that be wished to highlight.